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As of version 2.0.0 we have one core file that can be populated in several ways:

  • Directly in the file (e.g., if you build your own base container)
  • From the environment (described below with a SREGISTRY_ prefix
  • From a config file, settings.yaml in the root directory of your server OR custom set at SREGISTRY_SETTINGS_FILE

Order of preference or variables honored is:

  2. the environment
  3. settings.yaml
  4. defaults directly in

E.g., anything you define in a takes first preference, followed by the environment, then a settings.yaml, and lastly, the defaults directly in Since secrets is imported at the end (after we have defined some new settings in nested data structure) to completely over-ride these data structures (e.g., the DATABASE variable) you can define the entire thing again in your

You will want to choose a strategy that works for your deployment, and then tweak the values to your liking before we start the application. For example, if you are running sregistry on a filesystem directly that you can access, you can easily write secrets into either:

  • A in the shub/ directory alongside settings and you can use the as a starter template.
  • A settings.yaml in the root directory of your application (or set at SREGISTRY_SETTINGS_FILE and you can use the dummy-settings.yaml as a starter template.

If you are deploying via Kubernetes or similar, you can either choose to define secrets entirely in the environment, or you can have one of these files added via a config map or similar (or some combination of those two things).


As of version 2.0.0, you can set any configuration value from settings in the environment to override the settings value. To determine the value for the environment variable, if it isn’t already defined in the environment (e.g., MINIO_SECRET) you can add the SREGISTRY_ prefix to derive it. This means:

  • To set something to True, you could do SREGISTRY_ENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=True or SREGISTRY_ENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=true
  • To set something to False, you could do SREGISTRY_ENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=False or SREGISTRY_ENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=false
  • To set an integer value, you could do SREGISTRY_USER_COLLECTION_LIMIT=100 (it will be converted)
  • To set a string value, simply set it (e.g., SREGISTRY_REGISTRY_NAME="Tacosaurus Centers"

Generally, any boolean, integer, or string can be set. For database credentials, the following custom variables are exposed (all strings):


And you can set a custom set of comma separated values (in a string) for either of SREGISTRY_ADMINS or SREGISTRY_PLUGINS_ENABLED.


For any setting in the sections below, you can set them in the environment (with SREGISTRY_) or via the settings.yaml file or the If you choose to use a file (and are working locally) you’ll want to start by copying either of the templates:

cp shub/ shub/
cp shub/dummy-settings.yaml settings.yaml

And make sure neither of these files are added to any kind of version control! Each of the settings (optional or required) is explained in more detail in the sections below.


Regardless of your approach, you’ll want to set a SECRET_KEY - either directly in or settings.yaml or in the environment as SREGISTRY_SECRET_KEY. You can use the secret key generator to make a new secret key

Authentication Secrets

One thing I (@vsoch) can’t do for you in advance is produce application keys and secrets to give your Registry for each social provider that you want to allow users (and yourself) to login with. We are going to use a framework called python social auth to achieve this, and in fact you can add a number of providers (I have set up a lot of them, including SAML, so please submit an issue if you want one added to the base proper.). Singularity Registry uses OAuth2 with a token–> refresh flow because it gives the user power to revoke permission at any point, and is a more modern strategy than storing a database of usernames and passwords. You can enable or disable as many of these that you want, and this is done in the, which is controllable via the environment or a settings.yaml or by editing the file directly. For example, if using the settings.yaml you will want to have at least one of these enabled:


Note that any of the above can also be set in the environment with the SREGISTRY_ prefix, or you can define Python boolean values in a You will need at least one to log in. I’ve found that GitHub works the fastest and easiest, and then Google. Twitter now requires an actual server name and won’t work with localhost, but if you are deploying on a server with a proper domain go ahead and use it. All avenues are extremely specific with regard to callback urls, so you should be very careful in setting them up. If you want automated builds from a repository integration with Google Cloud Build, then you must use GitHub.


Other authentication methods, such as LDAP, are implemented as plugins to sregistry. See the plugins documentation for details on how to configure these. You should also now look here to see which plugins you will want to set up (and then build into your container). You can look at either of the dummy or settings.yaml to see the variables that are required (and examples).

For authentication plugins, we will walk through the setup of each in detail here. For other plugins, you should look at the plugins documentation now before proceeding.

Remember, for all of the below, you should put the content in one of:

  1. your
  2. your settings.yaml
  3. the environment with a SREGISTRY_ prefix
  4. directly in the file (be careful about adding this to version control!)

Note that if you are deploying locally, you will need to put localhost ( as your domain, and Github is now the only one that worked reliably without an actual domain for me. For the remainder of this settings document, we will provide examples written to

Google OAuth2

You first need to follow the instructions and setup an OAuth2 API credential. The redirect URL should be every variation of having http/https, and www. and not. (Eg, change around http–>https and with and without www.) of Google has good enough debugging that if you get this wrong, it will give you an error message with what is going wrong. You should store the credential in, along with the complete path to the file for your application:

SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Google is great in letting you specify multiple acceptable callback urls, so you should set every version of (I did with and without http/https, along with the ending and without the ending slash, just in case). Note that 1. extra arguments have been added to ensure that users can refresh tokens, and 2. in testing I was using http and not https, and I eventually added https (and so the url was adjusted accordingly). Next, we need to follow instructions for web applications.

Setting up Github OAuth

For users to connect to Github, you need to register a new application, and add the key and secret to your file like this:


The callback url should be in the format, and replace the localhost address with your domain. See the Github Developers pages to browse more information on the Github APIs.

Setting up Github Enterprise OAuth

The GitHub Exterprise docs are here. You will want to register a new application on your instance of GitHub Enterprise in Developer Settings, set the callback URL to “” replacing with your domain, and then the following environment variables should be defined in your secrets.

# The URL for your GitHub Enterprise appliance:

# Set the API URL for your GitHub Enterprise appliance:

# Fill the Client ID and Client Secret values from GitHub in the settings:

Gitlab OAuth2

Instructions are provided here. Basically:

  1. You need to register an application, be sure to add the read_user scope. If you need api, add it to (you shouldn’t).
  2. Set the callback URL to http://registry.domain/complete/gitlab/. The URL must match the value sent. If you are having issues, try adjusting the trailing slash or http/https/.
  3. In your file under settings, add:

Where the key and secret are replaced by the ones given to you. If you have a private Gitlab, you need to add it’s url too:


Bitbucket OAuth2

We will be using the bitbucket backend for Python Social Auth.

First, register a new OAuth Consumer by following the instructions in the Bitbucket documentation. Overall, this means registering a new consumer, and making sure to add the “account” scope to it. You can find the button to add a consumer in your BitBucket profile (click your profile image from the bottom left of the dashboard.


After clicking the button, fill in the following values:

  • Name: choose a name that will be easy to link and remember like “Singularity Registry Server”
  • Callback URL: should be http://[your-domain]/complete/bitbucket For localhost, this is usually
  • Keep the button “This is a private consumer” checked.
  • Under Permissions (the scope) click on Account (email, read, write).

Then, when you click to add the consumer, it will take you back to the original pacge. To get the key and secret, you should click on the name of the consumer. Then add the following variables to your file under settings:

SOCIAL_AUTH_BITBUCKET_OAUTH2_KEY = '<your-consumer-key>'
SOCIAL_AUTH_BITBUCKET_OAUTH2_SECRET = '<your-consumer-secret>'
  1. Optionally, if you want to limit access to only users with verified e-mail addresses, add the following:

Finally, don’t forget to enable the bitbucket login in


Setting up Twitter OAuth2

You can go to the Twitter Apps dashboard, register an app, and add secrets, etc. to your


Note that Twitter now does not accept localhost urls. Thus, the callback url here should be http://[your-domain]/complete/twitter.

Google Analytics

If you want to add a Google analytics code, you can do this in the


The default is set to None, and doesn’t add analytics to the registry.

Domain Name

A Singularity Registry Server should have a domain. It’s not required, but it makes it much easier for yourself and users to remember the address. The first thing you should do is change the DOMAIN_NAME_* variables in your settings

For local testing, you will want to change DOMAIN_NAME and DOMAIN_NAME_HTTP to be localhost. Also note that I’ve set the regular domain name (which should be https) to just http because I don’t have https locally:


It’s up to the deployer to set one up a domain or subdomain for the server. Typically this means going into the hosting account to add the A and CNAME records, and then update the DNS servers. Since every host is a little different, I’ll leave this up to you, but here is how I did it on Google Cloud.

Registry Contact

You need to define a registry uri, and different contact information:

REGISTRY_NAME = "Tacosaurus Computing Center"

The HELP_CONTACT_EMAIL should be an email address that you want your users (and/or visitors to your registry site, if public) to find if they need help. The HELP_INSTITUTION_SITE is any online documentation that you want to be found in that same spot. Finally, REGISTRY_NAME is the long (human readable with spaces) name for your registry, and REGISTRY_URI is a string, all lowercase, 12 or fewer characters to describe your registry.

User Collections

By default, any authenticated user in your Registry can create collections, and decide to make them public or private. If you would prefer to revoke this permission (meaning that only administrators can create and manage collections) then you would want to set this variable to False.

# Allow users to create public collections

Setting USER_COLLECTIONS to False also means that users cannot create Teams, which are organized groups of users that then can be added as contributors to individual collections. With this setting as True, any authenticated user, staff, or administrator can create and manage new collections and teams, and this is done by issuing a token.

Finally, you can also allow users to create collections, but limit the number created.

# Limit users to N collections (None is unlimited)

The default is None, meaning that users can create unlimited collections, given that USER_COLLECTIONS is True. If you set this to a non-zero positive integer, user collections will be limited to this number. If a user is staff or an administrator, they are not subject to this limit.

Registry Private

By default Singularity Registry will provide public images, with an option to set them to private. If you are working with sensitive data and/or images, you might want all images to be private, with no option to make public. You can control that with the variable PRIVATE_ONLY.


The above would eliminate public status and make private the default. Alternatively, if you want to allow for public images but make the default private (and collection owners can make collections of their choice public) set DEFAULT_PRIVATE to True.


PRIVATE_ONLY takes preference to DEFAULT_PRIVATE. In other words, if you set PRIVATE_ONLY to True, the default has to be private, the change to DEFAULT_PRIVATE is meaningless, and a user cannot change a collection to be public.

Collections Page Display

On the main server’s <domain>/collections page, users will be shown some limited set of collections, plus those that are private that they own. Since this could slow down the page if the number is huge, you are given control of this number:

# The number of collections to show on the /<domain>/collections page

For larger registries, it’s recommended to disable this view all together, and encourage users to find containers via “search.” If you think this should be a default, please open an issue to discuss.

View Rate Limits

While it’s unlikely someone would be malicious to request a view, we can’t disregard it completely. For all views, we use django-ratelimit to limit views to a certain number per day based on the ip address. For most views, you can define the variables:

VIEW_RATE_LIMIT="50/1d"  # The rate limit for each view, django-ratelimit, "50 per day per ipaddress)
VIEW_RATE_LIMIT_BLOCK=True # Given that someone goes over, are they blocked for the period?

In the example above, we limit each ip address to 50/day. We block any addresses that go over, until the next period begins.

Container GET Limits

Too many get requests for any particular container, whether stored locally or in Google Storage (Google Cloud Build + GitHub plugin) could lead to a DoS for the server. Thus, we have a limit on the total number of weekly GET requests per container:

# The maximum number of downloads allowed per container, per week

The Container object has a get_limit and get_count that are adjusted when a user downloads a container. A weekly cron job will reset the get_count.

Collection GET Limits

It could be the case that a user continually rebuilds containers to get around the single container get limit, in which case we’ve also added a collection weekly get limit.

# The maximum number of downloads allowed per collection, per week

The Collection object also has a get_limit and get_count that are adjusted when a user downloads a container, reset by the same cron task.

Disable Building

Disable all building, including pushing of containers and recipes. By default, for a working registry, this should be False.


For other disable and limit arguments (for GitHub, creating, or receiving builds) see the Google Build Plugin.


By default, the database itself will be deployed as a postgres image called db. You probably don’t want this for production (for example, I use a second instance with postgres and a third with a hot backup, but it’s an ok solution for a small cluster or single user. Either way, we recommend backing it up every so often.

When your database is set up, you can define it in your and it will override the Docker image one in the file. It should look something like this

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'dbname',
        'USER': 'dbusername',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',

And remember you can set these in the environment too:



By default, Singularity Registry keeps track of all requests to pull containers, and you have control over the level of detail that is kept. If you want to save complete metadata (meaning the full json response for each call) then you should set LOGGING_SAVE_RESPONSES to True. If you expect heavy use and want to save the minimal (keep track of which collections are pulled how many times) the reccomendation is to set this to False.



To configure your restful API you can set SREGISTRY_API_REQUIRE_AUTH to true.


These are important metrics to ensure that your server isn’t subject to a DoS attack. Great job! Let’s now configure your web server and storage.