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How to Generate a Robot User

In the case that you want to generate a robot user, or an account not associated with a real person that can push from some CI service, you’ll need to do the following.


You must be an admin of the server to generate a robot user.

  1. Use the Django Administration site to add this user and a token for this user will be automatically created. If you need to refresh the token, you can do so here.
  2. Update the ‘last login’ field for this user in the Django Administration site to some value, e.g. to the current time.
  3. Since the collection must already exist and you cannot log in as the robot user, you should create the collection with your user account, and then you can add the robot user as an owner (shown below). Only owners are allowed to push to collections.

First, enter the uwsgi container (the name of your container may be different)

docker exec -it sregistry_uwsgi_1 bash
python shell

Find your robot user, and your collection:

from shub.apps.users.models import User
from shub.apps.main.models import Collection
user = User.objects.get(username="myuser")
collection = Collection.objects.get(name="mycollection")

And then add the robot user as an owner to it.


As an alternative, if you intend to add this robot user to more than one collection, you can create a Team in the interface, add the robot user to it also via the console:

from shub.apps.users.models import Team, User
team = Team.objects.get(name="myteam")
user = User.objects.get(username="myuser")

And then in any collection interface where you can see the team, you can add the robot user directly as an owner.

And that’s it!