Singularity Registry Server
Hello there! It’s so great that you want to use Singularity Registry Server. Let’s get started.
This section covers rationale, background, and frequently asked questions.
- Introduction: Covers some background and basic information.
- Use Cases: a few examples of when deploying a Singularity Registry Server is useful
- Frequenty Asked Questions: Quick answers to some questions you might have on your mind.
Deploy a Registry Server
This section is going to cover installation, which means configuration of a Docker image, building of the image, and then starting your image with other services (docker compose, previously docker-compose) to run your registry server.
- install: configure, build, and deploy your registry server.
- setup: setting up and registering the running application.
- accounts: User accounts, teams, and credentials for using the client.
- plugins: Details about available plugins, and how to configure them.
Use a Registry
- Interface: interacting with your collections in the interface
- sregistry Client: The
to push, pull, list, and delete. - Singularity Client: A client provided by Singularity natively to pull.
Do you want a new feature? Is something not working as it should? @vsoch wants your input! This registry is driven by desire and need for clusters small and large, so if you don’t tell me what you want, how will I know that you want it?
The robots thank you for giving them spirit and energy to provide this for you!