
To develop, we want to be able to make a change locally and quickly view it. To do this, we can clone the source repository and map it to the container, and then restart the container. First, clone the repository:

git clone
cd interface
docker build -t vanessa/tunel .

Then run the container, mapping the repository base to /code where… the code lives.

$ docker run -p 80:80 -d --name tunel --privileged -v $PWD:/code -v $PWD/data:/root vanessa/tunel start

You can shell inside to debug:

$ docker exec -it tunel bash

or restart the container if the server needs some kind of update…

$ docker restart tunel

If you hit a server error, you should look at the container logs.

$ docker logs tunel

In some cases, the Docker container may just show the server error, but not what caused it, like this: - - [26/Mar/2018:19:06:09 +0000] "GET /api/containers HTTP/1.0" 500 37 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36"

In this case, it’s good that we have /code mapped to our machine, because there will be a file called tunel-server-${ROBOTNAME}.log in the folder you have mapped to it that gives the details of the server error. This is the file that the Flask application is logging to.

Application Programming Interface

Your Tunel servers an API for all containers, just navigate to to see it. What does this mean? You can further make applications that use it!


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