Welcome to the Tunel documentation! This is the Tunel, giving you interactive management for your containers.
A huge challenge with these modern internet protocols is that there is (still) somewhat of a barrier between a command line and a web interface. We have to do extra work to bridge that gap, for example delivering restful APIs for a command line client, OAuth2 flows to authenticate via your platform of choice, or even sharing your containers with others, period.
“Tunel” is a tunnel between those two things. It takes the technology of some of the core container tools and brings them together to have some open source, collaborative fun, and importantly, to help the academic scientist use container technology.
Getting Started
- Quick Start: A quick start guide to getting your Tunel up and running!
- Development: Helpful commands for development and debugging.
- Globus: Connect your tunel to Globus to transfer images to and from your Globus endpoints.
@vsoch is looking for feedback about what features you would like implemented next!
- Exposing the remainder of Singularity Registry Global Client endpoints (Google Drive, Storage, Dropbox, etc.) so you can move containers easily from one to another. Which one do you want to see first?
- Integration of the Builders so you can build with different architectures on Google Cloud.
- An ability to easily share containers via the various platforms you connect to.
- An integration with Github?
This is exciting because by way of a web interface, we can very easily bring many more modern tools to our interaction with containers. Please provide feedback or contribute!
Getting Help
This is an open source project. Please contribute to the package, or post feedback and questions as issues. You’ll notice a little eliipsis () next to each header section. If you click this, you can open an issue relevant to the section, grab a permalink, or suggest a change. You can also talk to us directly on Gitter.
This code is licensed under the Affero GPL, version 3.0 or later LICENSE.
- Singularityware: the Singularity open source community!
- The Robots: for a continually strong spirit.