
There are several classes under the tree module that you might be interested in using. Before reading usage for any particular class, it’s good to get an understanding of the one you might need in these sections. If you are a user, start with reading about Classes below. If you are a developer, you might be more interested in the Abstract classes.


The set of classes below are likely what you want to import and use in Python.


The Container File Tree will create a tree that describes one or more containers, where each node is a folder in the path. See the tutorial for a walk through and example nodes.

Container Package Trees

Container Package Trees include ContainerPipTree and ContainerAptTree and generally describe trees where the nodes represent packages and versions. These trees can also be mapped with one or more containers, and are an ideal data structure to store a representation of packages across containers. From the container Apt or Pip tree you can easily compare containers based on packages within, or export a feature matrix with containers (rows) by packages (columns).


A container Collection Tree represents nodes as container namespaces, and each node contains a dictionary of the possible tags for the general namespace. These trees are ideal for representing relationships between large sets of containers, and can also be used to calculate comparisons via distances in the tree.

Abstract Classes

If you are a developer, you might be interested to read about the Abstract classes that underly the different kinds of container trees. The base of all classes is the ContainerTreeBase, and the base of packages that use Google’s Container-Diff


The ContainerTree class is a subclass of ContainerTreeBase that expects to build a file system tree to describe one or more containers. The json input should have a list of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a complete filepath (e.g., /etc/ssl). The key “Name” is required in the dictionary to identify the file. This class might be suited for you if you have a custom


The ContainerTreeBase class is a base class that can read in general lists, json, http, or other input data. The function to generate the tree, _make_tree, is not defined and must be implemented by the subclass. If you want to create a subclass, you can define any additional parsing needed for your input under a function called _load. It should check that is not None, and if not, expect it to be loaded json from the input. You can continue parsing it and save again the final result to See ContainerDiffTree for an example.


This is a subclass of ContainerTree, specifically with an added _load function to additionally parse the data loaded by the base ContainerTree class to support the data structure exported by container diff, which is a list with the expected structure under “Analysis”. For example:

[ {
  'Analysis': [
      {'Name': '/etc/ssl/certs/93bc0acc.0', 'Size': 1204},
      {'Name': '/etc/ssl/certs/9479c8c3.0', 'Size': 1017},
  'AnalyzeType': 'File',
  'Image': '/tmp/tmp.qXbcpKCWxg/c2f46186d20ce41a1e1cad7b362ad9f6a5b679cd6535e865c4170cc93f4501a4.tar'}]

We are only interested in the list under “Analysis,” and the kind of analysis might be File, Apt, or Pip. It’s unlikely that you’ll instantiate a ContainerDiffTree, but you might instantiate a ContainerFileTree or ContainerPipTree.