Client Tasks

This is a brief overview of the tasks available for any client to use via Workers that take advantage of multiprocessing.


To download, you will need to import the Workers and download_task

from sregistry.main.base import ( Workers, download_task )

Then instantiate the workers client:

# Create multiprocess download client
workers = Workers()

Then you basically need to make a list of tasks, where each is a tuple of the form

( url, headers, destination )

Making the list might look like this (of course with extra logic to customize urls, headers, and destinations, and we also recommend checking that the final file doesn’t exist first.

tasks = []
for digest in digests:
    tasks.append((url, headers, destination))

Then to run the tasks and get back the result (the downloaded files) we give the workers “run” a function (download_task) and the list of tasks. The number of workers allocated is determined by the environment variable SREGISTRY_PYTHON_THREADS or can be set when you instantiate the Workers:

workers = Workers(9)