Source code for spython.main.instances

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Vanessa Sochat.

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from spython.logger import bot
from spython.utils import run_command
import json

[docs]def list_instances( self, name=None, return_json=False, quiet=False, sudo=False, sudo_options=None, singularity_options=None, ): """list instances. For Singularity, this is provided as a command sub group. singularity instance list Return codes provided are different from standard linux: see Since we expect json output, we don't support older versions of Singularity. Parameters ========== return_json: return a json list of instances instead of objects (False) name: if defined, return the list for just one instance (used to ged pid) singularity_options: a list of options to provide to the singularity client Return Code -- Reason 0 -- Instances Found 1 -- No Instances, libexecdir value not found, functions file not found 255 -- Couldn't get UID """ from spython.utils import check_install check_install() subgroup = ["instance", "list", "--json"] cmd = self._init_command(subgroup, singularity_options) # If the user has provided a name, we want to see a particular instance if name is not None: cmd.append(name) # Does the user want to see the command printed? if not (quiet or self.quiet):" ".join(cmd)) output = run_command(cmd, quiet=True, sudo=sudo, sudo_options=sudo_options) instances = [] # Success, we have instances if output["return_code"] == 0: instances = json.loads(output["message"][0]).get("instances", {}) # Does the user want instance objects instead? listing = [] if not return_json: for i in instances: # If the user has provided a name, only add instance matches if name is not None: if name != i["instance"]: continue # Otherwise, add instances to the listing new_instance = self.instance( pid=i.get("pid"), ip_address=i.get("ip"), name=i.get("instance") or i.get("daemon_name"), log_err_path=i.get("logErrPath"), log_out_path=i.get("logOutPath"), image=i.get("img") or i.get("container_image"), start=False, ) listing.append(new_instance) instances = listing # Couldn't get UID elif output["return_code"] == 255: bot.error("Couldn't get UID") # Return code of 0 else:"No instances found.") # If we are given a name, return just one if name is not None and instances and len(instances) == 1: instances = instances[0] return instances
[docs]def stopall(self, sudo=False, quiet=True, singularity_options=None): """stop ALL instances. This command is only added to the command group as it doesn't make sense to call from a single instance Parameters ========== sudo: if the command should be done with sudo (exposes different set of instances) """ from spython.utils import check_install check_install() subgroup = "instance.stop" if "version 3" in self.version(): subgroup = ["instance", "stop"] cmd = self._init_command(subgroup, singularity_options) cmd = cmd + ["--all"] # Does the user want to see the command printed? if not (quiet or self.quiet):" ".join(cmd)) output = run_command(cmd, sudo=sudo, quiet=quiet) if output["return_code"] != 0: message = "%s : return code %s" % (output["message"], output["return_code"]) bot.error(message) return output["return_code"] return output["return_code"]