Source code for spython.main

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Vanessa Sochat.

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# Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
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[docs]def get_client(quiet=False, debug=False): """ get the client and perform imports not on init, in case there are any initialization or import errors. Parameters ========== quiet: if True, suppress most output about the client debug: turn on debugging mode """ from .base import Client as client client.quiet = quiet client.debug = debug # Do imports here, can be customized from .apps import apps from .build import build from .execute import execute, shell from .help import helpcmd from .inspect import inspect from .instances import list_instances, stopall # global instance commands from .run import run from .pull import pull from .export import export # Actions client.apps = apps = build client.execute = execute client.export = export = helpcmd client.inspect = inspect client.instances = list_instances = run = shell client.pull = pull # Commands Groups, Instances from spython.instance.cmd import ( generate_instance_commands, ) # instance level commands client.instance = generate_instance_commands() client.instance_stopall = stopall client.instance.version = client.version # Commands Groups, OCI (Singularity version 3 and up) from spython.oci.cmd import generate_oci_commands client.oci = generate_oci_commands()() # first () runs function, second # initializes OciImage class client.oci.debug = client.debug client.oci.quiet = client.quiet client.oci.OciImage.quiet = client.quiet client.oci.OciImage.debug = client.debug # Initialize cli = client() # Pass on verbosity cli.instance.debug = cli.debug cli.instance.quiet = cli.quiet cli.instance.version = cli.version return cli
Client = get_client()