Source code for spython.main.execute

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Vanessa Sochat.

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from spython.logger import bot
from spython.utils import stream_command, which

import os

[docs]def execute( self, image=None, command=None, app=None, writable=False, contain=False, bind=None, stream=False, nv=False, return_result=False, options=None, singularity_options=None, sudo=False, sudo_options=None, quiet=True, environ=None, ): """execute: send a command to a container Parameters ========== image: full path to singularity image command: command to send to container app: if not None, execute a command in context of an app writable: This option makes the file system accessible as read/write contain: This option disables the automatic sharing of writable filesystems on your host options: an optional list of options to provide to execute. singularity_options: a list of options to provide to the singularity client bind: list or single string of bind paths. This option allows you to map directories on your host system to directories within your container using bind mounts nv: if True, load Nvidia Drivers in runtime (default False) return_result: if True, return entire json object with return code and message result not (default) quiet: Do not print verbose output. environ: extra environment to add. """ from spython.utils import check_install check_install() cmd = self._init_command("exec", singularity_options) # nv option leverages any GPU cards if nv: cmd += ["--nv"] # If the image is given as a list, it's probably the command if isinstance(image, list): command = image image = None if command is not None: # No image provided, default to use the client's loaded image if image is None: image = self._get_uri() self.quiet = True # If an instance is provided, grab it's name if isinstance(image, self.instance): image = image.get_uri() # If image is still None, not defined by user or previously with client if image is None: bot.exit("Please load or provide an image.") # Does the user want to use bind paths option? if bind is not None: cmd += self._generate_bind_list(bind) # Does the user want to run an app? if app is not None: cmd = cmd + ["--app", app] if writable: cmd.append("--writable") # Add additional options if options is not None: cmd = cmd + options if not isinstance(command, list): command = command.split(" ") cmd = cmd + [image] + command # Does the user want to see the command printed? if not (quiet or self.quiet):" ".join(cmd)) if not stream: return self._run_command( cmd, sudo=sudo, sudo_options=sudo_options, return_result=return_result, quiet=quiet, environ=environ, ) return stream_command(cmd, sudo=sudo, sudo_options=sudo_options) bot.exit("Please include a command (list) to execute.")
[docs]def shell( self, image, app=None, writable=False, contain=False, bind=None, nv=False, options=None, singularity_options=None, sudo=False, quiet=True, ): """shell into a container. A user is advised to use singularity to do this directly, however this function is useful for supporting tools. Parameters ========== image: full path to singularity image app: if not None, execute a shell in context of an app writable: This option makes the file system accessible as read/write contain: This option disables the automatic sharing of writable filesystems on your host options: an optional list of options to provide to shell. singularity_options: a list of options to provide to the singularity client bind: list or single string of bind paths. This option allows you to map directories on your host system to directories within your container using bind mounts nv: if True, load Nvidia Drivers in runtime (default False) """ from spython.utils import check_install check_install() cmd = self._init_command("shell", singularity_options) # nv option leverages any GPU cards if nv: cmd += ["--nv"] # Does the user want to use bind paths option? if bind is not None: cmd += self._generate_bind_list(bind) # Does the user want to run an app? if app is not None: cmd = cmd + ["--app", app] # Add additional options if options is not None: cmd = cmd + options if writable: cmd.append("--writable") # Finally, add the image or uri cmd.append(image) singularity = which("singularity") # Does the user want to see the command printed? if not (quiet or self.quiet):" ".join(cmd)) if writable or sudo: os.execvp("sudo", ["sudo"] + cmd) else: os.execvp(singularity, cmd)