__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022-2024, Vanessa Sochat"
__license__ = "MPL 2.0"
import json
import os
import sys
import container_guts.utils as utils
from .base import ContainerName, ContainerTechnology
from .decorator import ensure_container
class DockerContainer(ContainerTechnology):
A Docker container controller.
command = "docker"
def shell(self, image):
Interactive shell into a container image.
"%s run -it --rm --entrypoint %s %s"
% (self.command, self.shell_path, image)
def get_container(self, image):
Courtesy function to get a container from a URI.
if isinstance(image, ContainerName):
return image
return ContainerName(image)
def cleanup(self, image):
Stop and remove an image.
self.call([self.command, "stop", image.container_name], allow_fail=True)
[self.command, "rm", "--force", image.container_name], allow_fail=True
# TODO should have an arg to keep this (it's annoying to delete)
self.call([self.command, "rmi", "--force", image.uri], allow_fail=True)
def export(self, image, tmpdir=None, cleanup=True):
Export a docker image into .tar -> directory
Since we also want a filesystem from a running container, we use
save and export dually. This could be adjusted to be completely
static and just use save, if desired.
if not tmpdir:
tmpdir = utils.get_tmpdir()
# Prepare paths for saving
save = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{image.container_name}-save.tar")
export = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{image.container_name}.tar")
export_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "root")
save_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "meta")
image.uri, ["-f", "/dev/null"], entrypoint="tail", name=image.container_name
# This is the filesystem (export done by container name)
self.call([self.command, "export", image.container_name, "--output", export])
# This will have the config
self.call([self.command, "save", image.uri, "--output", save])
# Diff does not cleanup so we can still inspect image
if cleanup:
for tar in export, save:
if not os.path.exists(tar):
sys.exit(f"There was an issue exporting/saving to {tar}")
for dirname in save_dir, export_dir:
self.call(["tar", "--ignore-failed-read", "-xf", export, "-C", export_dir])
self.call(["tar", "--ignore-failed-read", "-xf", save, "-C", save_dir])
except Exception:
self.call(["tar", "-xf", export, "-C", export_dir])
self.call(["tar", "-xf", save, "-C", save_dir])
return tmpdir
def execute(self, image, command):
Exec a command to a running container.
cmd = [self.command, "exec", image.container_name] + command
print(" ".join(cmd))
return self.call(cmd, stream=False)
def run(self, image, command, entrypoint=None, name=None, detached=True):
Run a container detached, assuming the entrypoint goes to tail /dev/null.
cmd = [self.command, "run", "--rm"]
if name:
cmd += ["--name", name]
if entrypoint:
cmd += ["--entrypoint", entrypoint]
if detached:
cmd += command
print(" ".join(cmd))
return self.call(cmd)
def pull(self, image):
Pull a container by name
return self.call([self.command, "pull", image.uri])
def tag(self, image, tag_as):
Given a container URI, tag as something else.
return self.call([self.command, "tag", image.uri, tag_as])
def inspect(self, image):
Inspect an image
res = self.call([self.command, "inspect", image.uri], stream=False)
raw = res["message"]
return json.loads(raw)