
$ singularity pull shub://williamssanders/sdaps:sdaps

Singularity Recipe


usage: sdaps [-h]

SDAPS -- Paper based survey tool.

positional arguments:
    add                 Add scanned questionnaires to the survey.
    annotate            Annotate the questionnaire and show the recognized
    boxgallery          Create PDFs with boxes sorted by the detection
    convert             Convert a set of images to the correct image format.
    cover               Create a cover for the questionnaires.
    csv                 Import or export data to/from CSV files.
    gui                 Launch a GUI. You can view and alter the (recognized)
                        answers with it.
    ids                 Export and import questionnaire IDs.
    info                Display and modify metadata of project.
    recognize           Run the optical mark recognition.
    reorder             Reorder pages according to questionnaire ID.
    report              Create a PDF report.
    report_tex          Create a PDF report using LaTeX.
    reset               Reset project into original state
    setup               Create a new survey using a LaTeX document.
    stamp               Add marks for automatic processing.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

	MAINTAINER Shane Sanders
	#add-apt-repository ppa:benjamin-sipsolutions/sdaps
	apt-get update
	apt-get upgrade -y
	apt-get install -y software-properties-common
	add-apt-repository ppa:benjamin-sipsolutions/sdaps
	apt-get install -y sdaps
	#echo "Hello from the Container!"
	sdaps "$@"


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key value
id /containers/williamssanders-sdaps-sdaps
collection name williamssanders/sdaps
branch master
tag sdaps
commit aee9ab3c0549ecb4c7357959d28c39be7612e8a2
version (container hash) 4976b92df073007b21d06b061b8b30ea
build date 2019-03-21T21:17:42.683Z
size (MB) 1427
size (bytes) 521412639
SIF Download URL (please use pull with shub://)
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